Sousa de Sousa Bárbara | Zeitgenössischer Künstler
Sousa de Sousa Bárbara
- Portugal
11 Follower !
Bárbara ist eine multidisziplinäre bildende Künstlerin mit Schwerpunkt Zeichnung aus Lissabon, Portugal. Ihre Ausbildung ist stark auf die bildenden Künste ausgerichtet - sie studierte Zeichnen an der Universität der Schönen Künste in Lissabon und besuchte seit ihrer Jugend mehrere Workshops und ergänzende Kurse zu verschiedenen Medien und Techniken des Zeichnens und Malens.
Ihre Forschung konzentriert sich auf die Ausnutzung der Materie und die Suche nach ihrer vollständigen grafischen Reduktion. Mit dem Bestreben, eine gültige alternative Gewissheit zu erreichen, fand sie einen Sinn in der Übung, die Grenzen einer endgültigen Gewissheit zu transformieren, und diese Transformation setzt eine Realität jenseits dessen voraus, was als bekannt gilt.
Dieser Künstler ist derzeit nur in unserer Online-Galerie ausgestellt.
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(41 Kunstwerke)
41 Kunstwerke
Sousa de Sousa Bárbara
#27 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#26 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#34 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#19 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#5 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
13 x 13 cm110 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#24 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
13 x 13 cm110 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#29 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#39 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#4 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
13 x 13 cm110 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#15 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#12 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#32 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#42 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#31 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#20 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#21 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
13 x 13 cm110 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#17 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#41 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#14 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#11 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#30 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#40 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#7 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#3 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
13 x 13 cm110 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#35 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#22 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
13 x 13 cm110 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#10 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#16 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#37 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#38 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#8 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#25 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
13 x 13 cm110 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#9 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#13 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#33 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
25 x 25 cm280 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#36 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#18 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
36 x 36 cm480 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#6 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#28 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
19 x 19 cm180 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#2 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
13 x 13 cm110 EURSousa de Sousa Bárbara
#23 from the series The Land Seems Inhabited to Them
13 x 13 cm110 EUR