Bastide d´Izard Armelle | Contemporary Artist: Artworks & Biography
Bastide d´Izard Armelle
- France
- Best-sellers' artworks
The important is to make the Shepherd's Star travel and praise wisdom in love.
With a degree in economics and finance, Armelle pursued a career as a production manager for 10 years. But after an encounter with Impressionist painting she discovered her vocation as a painter. A passionate and hard-working artist, she pursued this activity with enthusiasm and professionalism. She was self-taught, following the guidance of several experts and regularly visiting museums to learn and develop her skills. She set up her studio in the Herault region, between vineyards and scrubland, in her family home in St. Bauzille. The artist wishes to convey a message of peace, serenity and spirituality; a state of mind Armelle draws from the Herault, a magical region of, in her opinion, perfect scenery. Professionals quickly uncover talent and as a result of several chance encounters, the Parisian galleries have opened their doors to her. Now Armelle is a confirmed and much sought after artist.
Armelle cultivates perfection in her paintings; the harmony of colours, the variety of subjects, the lightness of line that give the works a refined and spiritual dimension. The paintings are beautiful, generous and ever changing. Among the masters who inspire her are Matisse, Paul Cezanne and Francis Desnoyer. Her work of acrylic paint applied with a knife resembles oil painting and allows for the liveliness of her work, the alchemy of warm colours and a harmony in the lightness. The result is modern and always surprisingly new. Armelle prefers to paint the colours of the South and light-filled landscapes. She looks for natural simplicity, and loves space and volume. A passionate Impressionist, colour gives wings to her imagination. Each of her paintings is an explosion of colours spread with a knife.
- Belgium :
- Canada :
- France :
- Netherlands (the) :
- 2022Large-scale exhibition in PoussanPoussan, France
- 2016Exhibition at Busan International FairBusan, Korea (the Republic of)
- 2012Exhibition at Galerie PerbetAnnecy, France
- 2008Rating at AkounMontmorency , France
- 1968BirthJuvisy-sur-Orge, France
(167 Artworks)
167 Artworks
Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Eclipse lunaire
25 x 25 cm285 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
L'amour au printemps
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Les Amours (Ronsard)
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Prendre le large
50 x 100 cm1.690 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Le matin des magiciens
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Toi et moi en escapade
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Le nouveau monde
36 x 36 cm495 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Grande Europa
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Je t'emmène au bout du monde
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Esprit primesautier
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Petite frajate
50 x 50 cm965 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Pivoines sous fond bleu
50 x 50 cm965 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Douceur en campagne
36 x 36 cm495 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
L'éveil de la connaissance
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
L'hymne à l'amour
120 x 120 cm4.170 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Au coucher du soleil
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Escapade en eau douce
50 x 50 cm965 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
petite ile
13 x 13 cm120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
L'amour courtois
50 x 50 cm965 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Sous le souffle du Sirocco
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
25 x 25 cm285 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Un après-midi en vacances
25 x 25 cm285 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Les Pivoines bleues
100 x 100 cm3.150 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Mazet en campagne
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Mas en provence
25 x 25 cm285 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Week end à Rome
13 x 13 cm120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Mas en provence
50 x 50 cm965 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Etincelles de joie
25 x 25 cm285 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Le temps des retrouvailles
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
13 x 13 cm120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
36 x 36 cm495 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Dali, la résistance en riant
36 x 36 cm495 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
13 x 13 cm120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Mas de saint Antoine
25 x 25 cm285 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Au pays du soleil levant
36 x 36 cm495 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
NYmphea bleu vert
13 x 13 cm120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Arrivée sur le port de Sète
100 x 100 cm3.150 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Grand bonsard
100 x 100 cm3.150 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Paix et amour
100 x 100 cm3.150 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Sur la route des moulins
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
36 x 36 cm495 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Reflet de nuit
36 x 36 cm495 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Sonnet pour hélène
25 x 25 cm285 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
L'étoile du soir
100 x 100 cm3.150 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
100 x 50 cm1.690 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
mer adriatique
19 x 19 cm180 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Annonce du Printemps
100 x 100 cm3.150 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Et le Mistral Gagnant
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Nympheus blue
80 x 80 cm2.120 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Les Cinq Terres
100 x 100 cm3.150 €Bastide d´Izard Armelle
Petite régate
13 x 13 cm120 €