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A tribute to Yves Klein

- 29/04/2022
He would have been 96 this year: Carré d’artistes pays tribute to Yves Klein with a special collection
He was born on April 28, 1928, in Nice… on a spring day, exactly 96 years ago. Vanished after a lightening career at the age of 34, Yves Klein is one of the most important personalities of modern art. Nearly a century after his birth, Carré d'artistes wishes to pay a tribute to the latter, by bringing together artists who are passionate about blue. A spring collection, which is modern and powerful!

A peace-loving collection with Yves Klein

Do you speak blue? A favorite color with the French, blue is the color of the sky, the sea, sailors, and melancholy. It’s inspiring, it guides many of our artists in their quest for intensity...

Yasmina Ziyat, for example, creates amazing textile compositions from bluish lace, in which she cuts abstract patterns. They are extremely delicate; this atypical work reveals the fragility of the material as much as its visual intensity...A perfect gift for a bedroom for newlyweds!

As for Christian Raffin , he concentrates on figurative painting: the artist creates artwork adorned in a very beautiful ultramarine blue, in which lovers slip away on bicycles. Let’s not forget that Spring is also the season of love...And casualness.

Playful, Lau Blou adores pure colors, which she sometimes uses in purely abstract paintings, sometimes through figurative evocations where landscapes, characters or flowers are highlighted. Her blue colors are enthralling and bewitching…It’s as if we are almost on vacation with her.

Last example of our collection which is a nod to Yves Klein is by Olivier Anicet and his marvelous urban landscapes, which immerse us in the blue night. It’s never dark, the city views glorify the soothing light of the cities – or more exactly, the most beautiful of all: Paris. 


The art history review: what is Yves Klein's blue? 

As we know, Yves Klein gave his name to a color. But he didn't invent it! The so-called Klein blue is actually an ultramarine blue, invented in the 19th century by a chemist, Jean-Baptiste Guimet, to imitate the (very) expensive lapis lazuli and thus appeal to artists with meager budgets. But Yves Klein didn’t love it intensely: he observed that once applied to a painting, ultramarine blue quickly lost its shine.
What could one do? The genius Klein asked for help from another scientist, who worked within the Rhône-Poulenc company, who inspired the idea of adding a little vinyl acetate to the blue pigment. A very technical, but conclusive remedy: Klein blue, which the great Yves immediately claimed by depositing it with the National Institute of Industrial Property, retains its depth even after years! Even today, everyone loves it... Don't you?

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