
Degabriel Véronique | Contemporary Artist: Artworks & Biography

  • Degabriel Véronique | Contemporary Artist: Artworks & Biography
Degabriel Véronique
  • France
  • Painter

"Painting is a magic that transforms a blank canvas into a dream, an emotion, a journey, what the viewer has in his soul".
Véronique is an experienced painter from Provence. She regularly participates in individual and collective exhibitions.
Painting is part of her daily life and her days are punctuated by creation, preparation of exhibitions and relationships with her creative friends. Véronique loves the light and the colors of the landscapes of Provence, as well as the beauty of the summits and mountain landscapes where she regularly spends her vacations.
Although Véronique DEGABRIEL has experimented with many mediums, today she mainly uses oil and acrylic. She is inspired by the impressionist painters of the Marseille school of the 19th century, whose first master is Emile Loubon, but also by Cézanne, Van Gogh and Turner. As a true nature lover, Véronique draws her inspiration from the landscapes of Provence and the Alps. After having made a sketch or a photo of the chosen landscape, she carefully selects the colors she wishes to use and which will determine the atmosphere of each creation. The artist, who works mainly with a painting knife, seduces with her colorful and luminous style of her canvases which invite to escape and travel.
  • 2021
    Contemporary Art Prize
    Blois, France
  • 2016
    IMAGINETOILE Exhibition
    Chateaurenard, France
  • 2015
    Participation in La Route des Artistes
    Saint Rémy de Provence, France
  • 2015
    Great Art Fair
    Vaison-la-Romaine, France
  • 07061953
    Saint Pierre de la Réunion, France
(130 Artworks)

130 Artworks

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