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  • Free delivery to the gallery - Free 30-day returns
  • Free delivery to the gallery - Free 30-day returns

Legal notices


Carré d'artistes
SAS with a capital of 482 800 €.
Registered with the RCS of Aix en Provence under the number 437 656 051
Domiciled at 230 Chemin des Valladets, 13510 Eguilles
Host : OVH - www.carredartistes.com
Hosted by our service provider Solusquare
Secure payment: Banque Populaire Provençale et Corse
Director of publication: Stéphanie Tosi

Legal capacity
The Site and the Services are accessible to :
- To any natural person aged 18 years or over and having full legal capacity to commit to the present general conditions. A natural person who does not have full legal capacity may only access the Site and the Services with the agreement of his or her legal representative.
- Any legal entity acting through a natural person who has the legal capacity to contract in the name and on behalf of the legal entity.

The artist remains the owner of the copyright. The rights of representation and reproduction of works on the site carredartistes.com belong to their authors and Carré d'artistes. It is necessary to have their joint permission for any exploitation of these rights.
All elements appearing on the site are protected by copyright, trademark law and any other intellectual property right. No reproduction and/or adaptation can be made without the authorization of Carré d'artistes.

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In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, you can access this information, request their modification or correction or demand to no longer appear in our database by sending us an email to: contact@carredartistes.com.
You can also consult or modify your personal data in your customer account on www.carredartistes.com.

The personal information you entrust to Carré d'artistes are stored on the secure servers of our host OVH (except bank data). Access to this information is protected and limited to the registration and processing of your orders, statistical operations allowing us to improve our services.
Carré d'artistes reserves the right to retain certain data to justify, if necessary, the full performance of its contractual or legal obligations. 
The data thus retained will be limited to what is strictly necessary for the operation of the service.
Carré d'artistes undertakes to put all measures in place to best protect the confidentiality of information provided by the User.
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