
Painting Les pins dans les calanques by Degabriel Véronique | Painting Figurative Landscapes Urban Life style Oil

Painting Les pins dans les calanques by Degabriel Véronique | Painting Figurative Landscapes Urban Life style Oil
Les pins dans les calanquesPainting Les pins dans les calanques by Degabriel Véronique | Painting Figurative Landscapes Urban Life style Oil
Les pins dans les calanquesPainting Les pins dans les calanques by Degabriel Véronique | Painting Figurative Landscapes Urban Life style Oil

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary work of art the pines in the calanques was created by contemporary artist Degabriel Véronique.
The artist used the oil technique to create this small-format painting on canvas in a figurative style on the theme of Landscapes.
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    Style : Figurative

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    Subject : Landscapes

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    Subject : Urban

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    Subject : Life style

  • - Size : 19 x 19 cm
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    Medium : Oil

  • - Compatible frames : 19 x 19 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Canvas
  • - Exhibited in Gallery : Paris 18 Montmartre
Unique and certified artworks

Degabriel Véronique
Degabriel Véronique France
Véronique is an experienced painter from Provence. She regularly participates in individual and collective exhibitions.
Painting is part of her daily life and her days are punctuated by creation, preparation of exhibitions and relationships with her creative friends. Véronique loves the light and the colors of the landscapes of Provence, as well as the beauty of the summits and mountain landscapes where she regularly spends her vacations.
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