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Nude paintings

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Are you thinking of buying a nude painting?

Carré d'artistes offers nude paintings for sale as well as a large selection of contemporary paintings. The nude is a privileged genre in the history of art. It has always been one of the favorite subjects of painters, sculptors, drawers, not to mention photographers. Contemporary painting continues this artistic tradition by continuing to paint nudes, both female and male.

If you want to buy a unique and original nude painting, you are at the right place. You will find the nude painting that suits you thanks to our painters, join our great community of art lovers. In our gallery or on our website, you will find in this selection of nude paintings your happiness.
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Nudity in art and its importance throughout history 

Nude painting : Chaperon Martine, La vie en rose 2


Importance of nude painting

Representing the nudity of the human body in all its forms, regardless of sex, age or morphology, has been part of artistic learning for a very long time. It is an important and necessary step in any training in painting or sculpture.

The history of art is marked by numerous drawings of nudes and sketches, in order to understand the anatomy, the postures, and the representation of a human body. Thus, we find many paintings of nudes in painting: whether it is the main subject, or a detail in a painting, nudity is very common in painting.

The evolution of female nude painting and male nude painting is a testament to the changing attitudes and aesthetic standards over time. The female nude has often been associated with ideals of beauty and purity, as evidenced by famous works such as Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus".

The nude woman is often depicted as a symbol of fertility, love and seduction. At the same time, the painting of naked men emphasizes strength, courage and virility, as can be seen in the works of Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci. The naked man is often represented in mythological, warlike or sporting scenes.

However, representations of the nude in painting are not always tied to gender stereotypes. Artists such as Egon Schiele and Lucian Freud explored the vulnerability and intimacy of their subjects, both male and female, by depicting them in nude painting.


History of nude painting

The nude has been present in painting since prehistoric times. Indeed, prehistoric men painted (and sculpted), in general, naked bodies. We also find some traces of nudes in some bas-reliefs of ancient Egypt. But it is especially in ancient Greece, then in Rome, that the painting of nudes in art develops considerably. Greek vases, for example, are frequently decorated with naked human figures, whether male or female bodies. Conversely, nudity becomes rare and hidden during the Middle Ages, it is then associated with original sin and the misery of man. 

It was during the Renaissance that nude painting became more widespread and got rid of its negative image. The artists of the time were inspired by antiquity, and the nude body is generally found in mythological paintings, as in the Birth of Venus by Botticelli (1485), or in religious paintings.
But the counter-reformation forbids the representation of nudes in places of worship, it is at this time that are retouched the nudes of the Sistine Chapel of Michelangelo, and many works of art. Later, nudity slowly returned to the forefront, with the paintings of Caravaggio for example. The paintings of Ingres, in the early nineteenth century, often reveal female nudity, as in The Great Odalisque, or The Bathing Valpinçon. 


Olympia, by Manet, can also be cited as one of the greatest paintings of nude painting. There is, in fact, a return to the nude in the romantic or realistic period of the nineteenth century.  The Origin of the World by Gustave Courbet, alone summarizes the artistic renewal in the representation of nudes in painting. Without forgetting the extra-European art that also explores the theme of the nude in painting.


The characteristics of a nude painting

Nude painting is characterized by the representation of the nudity of the human body. It also includes a representation that would be partial, showing a part of the body usually hidden and alluding to nudity. Frequently, veils come to cover the sexual parts of the body.
It is often moral modesty or religious prohibitions that prevent painters from representing the complete nudity of their subjects. It is, sometimes, later additions on works considered shocking and obscene at a particular time. The history of art is full of anecdotes on this subject.

Today, the nude is accepted as a genre in its own right and is no longer censored, but in the twentieth century, some nude paintings still shock, like the young girls painted by Balthus. The nude can be provocative, be a sensual and soft image of a human body, or be an allegory or an ingenious symbol.


Its evolution

Before the 20th century, the representation of a nude in a painting was not considered as a subject in its own right: they were then called "nudes" and were reserved for religious, mythological or allegorical paintings. The nineteenth century began to disrupt the conventions somewhat, followed by the twentieth century.

Cubism, abstract art and other pictorial schools redefine what a nude painting can be, as in Picasso's painting, Les demoiselles d'Avignon (1906), or Modigliani's, Nu couché (1917). The rise of psychoanalysis also changed the ordinary perception of nudity. Distortions in the bodies appear, as in Egon Schiele or Lucian Freud.



Édouard Manet, a French painter of the 19th century, played a crucial role in the representation of the artistic nude. His controversial work, "Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe" (1863), marked a turning point in the history of art by breaking established conventions. In this painting, Manet depicts a naked woman alongside two clothed men, causing a scandal in the society of the time. The stark contrast between the woman's nudity and the men's clothing emphasizes the vulnerability and sensuality of the female figure, while challenging social norms and Victorian morality.

Manet also explored the female nude in his other famous work, "Olympia" (1863), where he depicts a naked woman lying on a bed, accompanied by a black maid. Contrary to traditional ideals of beauty, Manet presents a bold and independent woman, whose direct and assertive gaze challenges the viewer. Manet's paintings thus paved the way for a new approach to the representation of nudity in art, offering a more realistic and less idealized view of the human body.


How to incorporate nude paintings into your home decor?

Decorating with nude paintings can add an element of elegance and sensuality to your home. Here are some ideas to create an artistic and sophisticated atmosphere:
  • Choose the right location: Nude paintings can be very expressive, so choose a location where you can fully appreciate them without feeling uncomfortable. For example, a bedroom, office, or meditation space may be a good option.

  • Mix sizes and shapes: Create a wall composition by mixing paintings of different sizes and shapes. You can play with proportions and perspectives to give an interesting dimension to your decor.

  • Create a horizontal layout: A row of nude paintings arranged horizontally can give a clean and modern touch to your space. Make sure the frames have similar colors and shapes for a cohesive look.

  • Mix styles: Nude paintings can be paired with other decorating styles to create a unique atmosphere. For example, you can mix nude paintings with plants, books, sculptures, and other decorative elements to create a welcoming and warm atmosphere.
  • Play with textures: Nude paintings can be framed in natural wood, metal, or plastic frames to create different textures. You can also add textile decorative objects such as cushions, rugs, and curtains to complete the tactile aspect of your decor.

Don't hesitate to let your imagination run wild and create a decor that reflects your personality and unique style. With nude paintings, you can create an artistic and sophisticated atmosphere in your home that is sure to turn heads.



Carré d'Artistes offers a diverse selection of hand-painted nude paintings, including both female and male nude paintings, as well as paintings of female nudes. The gallery supports artistic freedom of expression and celebrates the beauty of the human body in all its forms. At Carré d'Artistes, you can discover nude paintings by contemporary artists such as François Sahuc, Martine Chaperon, Yo, Corine Pagny, and many more who offer their unique interpretations of nude painting.


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