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Berthon Cathie | Contemporary Artist: Artworks & Biography

  • Berthon Cathie | Contemporary Artist: Artworks & Biography
Berthon Cathie
  • France
  • Plastician

Freedom and creativity are at the centre of my artistic approach, I like to explore, revisit works of the past, reuse objects and materials.
Cathie has always created artworks, but began on a different career path. After an engineering degree, she worked as a project manager for 12 years while painting in her spare time. She took evening classes with a group of painters for 3 years; an experience which allowed her to try out various painting techniques and work on her drawing. Gradually, she began presenting her work to the public and gaining confidence. In 2005, she decided to devote herself entirely to her passion. Cathie follows inspirations that revolve around the human and the urban world. She approaches them with paint and digi-graphic (digital inkjet) techniques.
In her new creations with "retro" accents, Cathie seeks to transcribe "vintage" aesthetics of the recent past. Femininity and childhood are represented in a sweet, nostalgic and poetic universe. Her work begins with a long collection of images, paper, fabric, old and personal photos. The pieces are scanned, and then cut up and assembled using computer tools. The subjects are often associated with old fabric patterns. The resulting composition is then printed on canvas to be reworked with coloured inks and into collages of scraps of paper or posters. An epoxy resin covers the work and gives a valuable aspect to each canvas. The artist slips in a word or phrase to accompany her work.

Currently this artist is only exhibited in our online gallery.

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  • 2019
    Participation in the Art Up! contemporary art fair
    Lille, France
  • 2015
    Participation in the Affordable Art Fair
    London, United Kingdom
  • 2006
    Participation in the Marché de la Création
    Lyon, France
  • 2005
    Exhibition at the Couleurs Primaires gallery
    Lyon, France
  • 1968
    Marseilles, France
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