Fièvre Véronique | Contemporary Artist: Artworks & Biography
Fièvre Véronique
- France
Creation is that inner space where one is alone before oneself, where one goes to meet one’s own truth; it is a means of existing and being in harmony with the world.
Véronique Fièvre is an award-winning French artist whose work is exhibited in France and abroad. Inspired by Paul Klee, she first painted on wood in a rather structured style, then, influenced by the works of Nicolas de Staël, she expressed herself through pure lines that bring calm and stability to her canvases. A true quest for authenticity, her pictorial approach seeks to suggest a place, a moment, an emotion... For her, painting is a necessity that day after day teaches her who she is, connects her to the Universal and gives her a certain inner peace. She takes part in regional, national (Salon d'Automne, Art Capital) and international (Mexico, Italy, USA, Sweden...) exhibitions.
The natural environment, the wide open spaces and the views of the cities are a major source of inspiration and interpretation for her. Painting the beautiful attracts him, then comes the desire to testify, to tell, to move. It invites to feel, to be part of landscapes like the sea, urban panoramas. She does not neglect the color, nor the material that is important in her paintings . The artist masons it, crushes it, wounds it, making it sometimes fluid, sometimes thick. It covers, sometimes letting emerge the buried colors. the artist is constantly looking for new themes, new pictorial techniques. This is why his painting oscillates between abstraction and figuration, his palette becoming soothing or dynamic.She works on canvas and paper: Acrylic, mixed media.
- France :
- 2022Art- Capital- Salon des artistes FrançaisGrand Palais, France
- 2021Art Capital -Salon des artistes FrançaisParis, France
- 2017Autumn ShowGrand Palais, France
- 2015Salon d'AutomneParis, France
(0 Artworks)