Beach or Mountains?
This question always comes back with the holidays... Have you gone through this eternal dilemma that makes us hesitate between the sea and the mountains, between Annecy and Nice, between hiking and the beach? But what would you say if this year, the artists became your guides to make the right choice? In any case, this is the theme of our brand new collection of paintings. The passionate artists selected by Carré d'artistes brilliantly capture the landscapes that make us dream. Their styles are varied, their subjects too... Some transport you to the waves of the sea, while others take you to the top of the mountains, according to their artistic moods. And all of them invite you to escape through their art!
(110 Artworks)
110 Artworks
Baroni Victor
Agate ambrée II
19 x 19 cm205 €Baroni Victor
Récif agité
19 x 19 cm205 €Alice Roy
Fillette à la bouée bleue
36 x 36 cm565 €Alice Roy
Les cabines
25 x 25 cm335 €Gaultier Dominique
Soir d'été
25 x 25 cm335 €Langeron Stéphane
Îlot salé
19 x 19 cm205 €Bessé Laurelle
Des coussins sous les palmiers
80 x 80 cm1 800 €Guillet Jerome
Lacher prise
36 x 36 cm565 €Guillet Jerome
19 x 19 cm205 €Alice Roy
Bateau rouge
19 x 19 cm205 €Ginestoux Claire
Superbloom, Mauves
36 x 36 cm565 €Ginestoux Claire
Superbloom, Chalencon
13 x 13 cm135 €Euger
36 x 36 cm565 €Bichebois Manuel
25 x 25 cm335 €Tayun
Mer de nuages
36 x 36 cm565 €Rochette Patrice
25 x 25 cm335 €Rochette Patrice
Lumière des cimes
13 x 13 cm135 €Moracchini Laurence
13 x 13 cm135 €Rocco Sophie
Roche et eau
36 x 36 cm565 €Eugène Romain
Brisant de rivage
19 x 19 cm205 €Rey Julien
North Face
80 x 80 cm1 800 €- Reserved
De Giorgi Mauro
Jelly fish dance1
36 x 36 cm565 € Foucras François
Les rochers du Ruppione
36 x 36 cm565 €Blandin Magali
La Sainte Victoire
36 x 36 cm565 €Bertre Flandrin Marie-Liesse
Lumière aquatique
19 x 19 cm205 €Han
Mascaret 1
36 x 36 cm565 €Pressac Clémence
Forêt bleutée
25 x 25 cm335 €Tayun
Quatre saisons : Hiver
36 x 36 cm565 €Tayun
Montagne noire
25 x 25 cm335 €Levesque Emmanuelle
A flanc de colline
13 x 13 cm135 €Rey Julien
80 x 80 cm1 800 €Villanueva Puigdelliura Natalia
40 x 120 cm1 400 €Du Mingxuan
Snow covered mountain
25 x 25 cm335 €- Reserved
De Giorgi Mauro
36 x 36 cm565 € - Reserved
De Giorgi Mauro
36 x 36 cm565 € Yu Huan Huan
Sea of clouds
36 x 36 cm565 €Rey Julien
36 x 36 cm565 €Duprat Françoise
Les rochers nous observent-2
19 x 19 cm205 €Rey Julien
Les sommets
80 x 80 cm1 800 €Argall Julie
Songeur des mers
25 x 25 cm335 €Rey Julien
80 x 80 cm1 800 €Lemonnier
Toi + moi N.3530
100 x 100 cm2 400 €Fièvre Véronique
Marée basse
100 x 100 cm2 400 €Rey Julien
Shiny in the rain
36 x 36 cm565 €Lyn
Paysage alpin
25 x 25 cm335 €Dias
Trois Poissons
36 x 36 cm565 €Villanueva Puigdelliura Natalia
Faro azul 2
25 x 25 cm335 €Moogly
Poisson camouflage rondouillard
36 x 36 cm565 €Argall Julie
Les roches plates #1
36 x 36 cm565 €Lyn
environs de Marseille
36 x 36 cm565 €