
Painting Nature sauvage by Bessé Laurelle | Painting Figurative Landscapes Nature Oil

Painting Nature sauvage by Bessé Laurelle | Painting Figurative Landscapes Nature Oil
Nature sauvagePainting Nature sauvage by Bessé Laurelle | Painting Figurative Landscapes Nature Oil
Nature sauvagePainting Nature sauvage by Bessé Laurelle | Painting Figurative Landscapes Nature Oil

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "Nature sauvage" on the subjects of Landscapes, Nature has been created by the contemporary artist Bessé Laurelle.
The artist used Oil medium on Paper to create this Figurative, Small size painting.
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    Style : Figurative

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    Subject : Landscapes

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    Subject : Nature

  • - Size : 13 x 13 cm
  • - Colors : Multicolored
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    Medium : Oil

  • - Compatible frames : 13 x 13 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Paper
Unique and certified artworks

Bessé Laurelle
Bessé Laurelle France
Born in Paris, Laurelle grew up in Touraine, where she took her first steps as an artist. At the age of 5, she joined an early art workshop. After studying architecture at the Beaux-Arts de Tours, she went on to manage a design office, then worked as an interior designer for luxury yachts. In 2010, Laurelle decided to devote herself exclusively to painting and sculpture. The many awards she has received for her work encourage her to pursue her artistic path. As a result, she has the pleasure of seeing her paintings travel throughout France and abroad.
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