
Painting StreetSkull#1 by MR.P0pArT | Painting Street art Graffiti

Painting StreetSkull#1 by MR.P0pArT | Painting Street art Graffiti
StreetSkull#1Painting StreetSkull#1 by MR.P0pArT | Painting Street art Graffiti
StreetSkull#1Painting StreetSkull#1 by MR.P0pArT | Painting Street art Graffiti

Description artwork

Street art vision of a "vanity" the vanities being representations of the human frailty in painting. I try in these works to give them a more dreamlike and joyful character. Mixed media
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    Style : Street art

  • - Size : 36 x 36 cm
  • - Colors : Multicolored
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    Medium : Graffiti

  • - Compatible frames : 36 x 36 cm
  • - Is framable : yes
  • - Format : small
  • - Material : Paper
  • - Our recommendations : New talents’ artworks
  • - Exhibited in Gallery : Marseille l'Expo
Unique and certified artworks

MR.P0pArT France
Raphaël, better known under his pseudonym MR.P0pArT, is an artist from Bordeaux of the Y generation. Since childhood, he has been passionate about the arts and has never stopped enjoying drawing. In 2018, he decided to change his life and devoted himself body and soul to his vocation. Self-taught, he becomes a professional and launches into street art and pop art in order to express himself in a more original and personal way. With an atypical touch and a satirical look on the world and society, MR.P0pArT quickly finds his public and exhibits in France, then in Belgium.
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