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Sculpture La dame de couleurs by De Sousa Miguel | Sculpture Raw art Nude Ceramics

Description artwork

This unique and original contemporary artwork "La dame de couleurs" on the subject of Nude has been created by the contemporary artist De Sousa Miguel.
The artist used Ceramics medium with Paper to create this Raw art, Medium size sculpture.
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    Style : Raw art

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    Subject : Nude

  • - Size : 32 x 17 x 24 cm
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    Medium : Ceramics

  • - Format : Medium
  • - Material : Paper
  • - Exhibited in Gallery : Paris 4 Ile Saint Louis
Unique and certified artworks

De Sousa Miguel
De Sousa Miguel France
Miguel de Sousa comes from a modest background and always knew that there were two possible paths for him: the factory or painting. As a child he has deeply changed after discovering Dali and found a release in painting that he did not find in school. His family did not support his artistic aspirations and so he decided to go his own way. He underwent training as a decorator and was able to meet his needs with his talent. As a creator of universes, he painted frescoes for his private clients as well as backgrounds for film sets and theatre. In addition, he continued to build his own world and was able to devote himself to his personal work in 2013.
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